Monday, January 21, 2008


Failing to have a life plan is the single biggest mistake for entrepreneurs. You must plan, plan, and plan:

1. Write a life plan:

Take a plain piece of paper, breaking down the components of your life: career-personal and financial. Successful people create such a plan, review and alter it. Define your purpose in life. What is it that makes you different from everyone around you? What is it that you love?

2.Update your skills:

Most of us have great skills when we start on a new adventure. However we don't bother to update them. If you are not growing you are in danger of failing. Also update supplies that you use for your business. Stay current with your business. It keeps it fresh and new to you.

3.Deliver Results:

Always Deliver- What you delivered in the pass is the pass. Always Deliver!!

4.Focus on effectiveness:

Do what matters.

5.Remember no one is irreplaceable:

The statement speaks for itself.

6.Promote yourself:

Take credit for what you accomplish and let others know about your accomplishments.

7:Keep your perspective:

You need to be aware of your shortcomings. Be open to feedback. Don't be defensive.

The Doula and Childbirth Educator Business I love how how I know that I still have to stay on top of my game.

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